August Goal Update

Here we are nearing the end of August!  I can’t believe it’s nearly September once again.  I happen to LOVE fall.  I think it has something to do with my birthday being at the end of October.  I’m looking forward to changing leaves, pumpkins, PUMPKIN SPICE LATTES from Starbucks, my birthday, and crisp fall mornings!  I’m also really looking forward to setting my September goals soon!

In case you missed it, here are my August Goals!  Let’s see where I’m at with these goals…

1) Lose 4 Lbs. this month.  Well, I’ve officially lost 4.8 lbs.  So I consider this one slammed out of the park!  Home run with the bases loaded!

2)Run 24 miles this month.  As of this morning, I have run 26.17 miles in August!  Yeah for setting goals and seeing them through!

3)Next step in life plan.  I have taken a Zumba class and fallen in love.  I need to teach this one day.  I was so inspired.  To dance, to shake it, to sweat, and to have fun while doing it.  The class I wanted to take was full, so I’ll have to wait on that.  I don’t have time to take my CanFitPro certification this fall because of work.  But I have these ideas now.  These passions I’m working towards.  Now all I need to do is keep taking classes and learning so that when I get the certifications, I can go full speed ahead!

4)Ten Second Tidy.  I made my bed EVERY morning this month!  So proud.  My room and surrounding areas have definitely been neater and more organized this month.  Not perfect, but definitely an improvement.

5)Wear normal people clothes.  I definitely made and effort.  It was tough because of doing shows and working out so much.  But whenever possible, I wore cute summer dresses and shorts.  Which let’s be honest, are the most fun outfits to wear anyway.

Overall, I am so proud of myself for achieving so many of the things I set out to achieve.  There really are some easy tricks for goal setting.

Goals Must Be:

S – specific

M- measurable

A- attainable

R – realisitc

T- time targeted

Onwards and upwards!  September has never looked sweeter!

About Kayla @ Lovely Ride

A professional actor with some crazy dreams of healthy eating, marathon running, photo taking, and yoga posing.

Posted on August 30, 2011, in challenge, inspiration, running and tagged , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 3 Comments.

  1. Good to hear you are keeping fit and enjoying it. Well done.

  2. Thanks Roger! I find writing about it really helps!

  1. Pingback: September Goals « The Best Things Happen … while you're dancing

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