Christmas Recap.

photo-211. Tried to channel Chelsea‘s wonderfully creative nail stylings this Christmas.  Looked great for less than 24 hours then it all chipped or peeled off.  Can’t say I didn’t try.

2. Little brother, myself, and dad at Nathan Phillips Square for the New Year’s Eve countdown!  Lots of family fun this holiday.  It was lovely.

3. My new cousin Jessica.  She’s the girlfriend of my older Aussie cousin Ryan.  They all came and stayed with us this holiday.

4. Cracked out the heavy duty boots for some tobogganing.  They’re cute, and heavy as sh*t.

5. Pretty proud of the tree this year.  I took a lot of time adding ribbon and bow details this season and it paid off with more depth and texture than usual.  I looked forward to turning the lights on every evening.  I wish we could have white lights up around the house all year long.

About Kayla @ Lovely Ride

A professional actor with some crazy dreams of healthy eating, marathon running, photo taking, and yoga posing.

Posted on January 9, 2013, in Christmas. Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

  1. I saw some tv coverage of Nathan Phillips Square – looked fun! 😀

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