Category Archives: meal planning

Hungry For Change.

Please watch this.  You won’t regret it.  Also, there’s a free online preview until March 31st HERE.  So hurry up!  This means you Kelly.

Meal Planning


-overnight oats: 1/3 cup oats, 3/4 cup almond milk, banana blended with some milk, peanut butter added in the a.m. (1 tbsp.) = 6 Pts.

-iced coffee with 1 tbsp 5% cream = 1 Pt.

-apple slices with 1 tbsp = 1 Pt.

-bean salad: 1/2 cup of beans, veggies, 1 tsp. olive oil, balsamic, 1/2 of a 1/4 cup orzo pasta, salt and pepper = 6 Pts.

-granola bar, yogurt = 5 Pts.

-vegetable soup of some kind = 8 Pts.

-chocolate peanut butter ball = 2 Pts.

To Make Tomorrow Night:

Taco Soup: carrots, onion, garlic, broccoli, celery, + whatever veggies, 2 tsp. EVOO, veg broth, salsa, 1 cup barley.

Total = 7 Pts. (divide by 4? ish)

Baked Tofu: tofu, honey, sesame seeds, EVOO, lemon, s + p, spices

Total = 8 Pts. ?? (divide by 3 or 4 into baggies?)

Kale Chips: kale, EVOO, garlic powder, salt

Total = 2 Pts.