Category Archives: what I ate

What I Ate.

Good Morning All!

This kind of post floats around the internet quite a lot, and mine is no different than all the rest.  Except, that it’s mine!  I had a request from a reader to show a day in the life of my stomach, so here it is.  It was really fun for me as well to plate my food a little more carefully, and really contemplate what I was going to eat today.  I would say, this is a pretty good day for me.  A little more thought out and planned for than just an everyday “Oh god, eat something before I die of starvation/eat a huge bowl of popcorn because I’m bored” kind of day.  Here goes!



-I was heading out the door to go to 9:30 body pump so I had a small breakfast before hand.  A piece of toast, natural peanut butter, a banana (half smashed on, half eaten on side) and a sprinkle of sea salt because it tastes amazing and I live dangerously.  Also, coffee.  Always coffee.

After Body Pump Snack:

-a protein smoothie with: 1 scoop protein powder (don’t love my brand otherwise I’d name it), strawberries, blueberries, a couple of banana slices, spinach, splash of orange juice, and filled up with water so it will blend.  IMG_2116


-this is a new go to of mine, the box of soup with add ins.  I had a boring veggie soup, so I sauteed onions, zucchini, peppers, mushrooms, and black beans in a pot then added the soup.  It was a bit thick, so I added about 1/4 cup coconut milk to thin it out and make it creamy.  I served it with a dollop of plain greek yogurt and pita (which I ended up eating with hummus too).  This is a great way to enjoy a quick and healthy meal that’s not boring in the least!  It’s a great middle ground between homemade and store bought options.  No one can eat perfectly all the time.  This is the type of compromise I don’t mind making!IMG_2118

Tea Time:

-organic stormy night from DAVID’S TEA with blue diamond almond coconut milk and an m&m cookie I made last night.  The recipe is from HOW SWEET IT IS and it blew my mind.  I highly recommend it.IMG_2120

Dinner Time: (PS- do you say ‘dinner’ or ‘supper’?)

-I was in a rush because I was off to the opening night of Miracle on 34th Street at The Grand Theatre.  I made another go-t0, a pita pizza!  Take a whole wheat pita, spoon on some pasta sauce, absolutely cover in veggies (spinach is a great option because it wilts to nothing, there was like 2 cups on this bad boy), then top with cheese and bake at 400F until it’s crispy and melty (about 10 minutes, watch it though, it’ll burn quickly).  This fills me up and help me get in a lot of veggies when I don’t feel like eating a salad.  Cut it like a pizza when you’re done and enjoy!  There are infinite ways to personalize this, too.  I once added a balsamic glaze!  Using something like hummus instead of pasta sauce and feta on top!  Dream it up and make a pizza out of it!  Oh yeah, fruit on top is a good idea too, like apples.  I want another pita pizza now…


Wine Time: (shouldn’t there be a time for wine, similar to tea time during every day? Thought so.)

-Just a beautiful glass of Cabernet Sauvignon by Jackson Triggs while watching a jazz trio waiting for the show to start.  Small pleasures people.

I had a lovely time congratulating my lovely friends in the cast!  Like Matt!  He was in 42nd Street with me too.  Isn’t he handsome? And that’s my friend Jen who saw the show with me!  Although, she was in 42nd Street with me too!  Reunion!

When I got home from the theatre, I was starving!  So I made a bowl of air popped popcorn which I ate while watching TV shows and winding down.  Did you guys know you can pop regular kernels of popcorn in the microwave in a paper lunch bag?  It’s AMAZING.  Coat 1/2 cup kernels in 1tsp oil in a bowl, pour into brown paper bag, fold over top, pop in microwave for about 2 minutes (watch it!) and enjoy!  So easy, so cheap, feels like a treat to me but it’s not full of weird stuff like most microwave bags of popcorn, and I don’t have to ruin a pot every time I want popcorn on the stove!  Love it!

For my own benefit, I plugged in my food to the “lose it” app on my phone to see where I was at (very roughly, of course).

Calories Eaten: 1,747

Calories Burned (in body pump, according to website): 429

Net Calories: 1,318

I find, for me, counting calories once in a while is a really useful trick!  I followed weight watchers for a long time, and this kind of number game really works for me.  I totally recommend the Lose It app on Iphone for on the go tracking (again, not daily).  It even has a scanner to scan in barcodes from packaged products.  Knowledge is power for me.  I’ve been in the place where I stop paying attention and find myself 10 lbs heavier!  That’s no fun.

Again, I want to stress that my eating patterns are a little all over the place depending on the day.  This day was a pretty good one for me!  Lots of veggies, protein, and fruits!  Limited sugar, fried foods, or chips (they are my favourite thing in the world!).

Thanks for stopping by!

Are you going to try the pita pizza?  Do you agree with a “wine time” similar to “tea time”?  Do you track calories?